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Building with the rubble of the past

Fact - the construction industry generates huge amounts of waste. It is a major global issue, with an estimated 2.2 billion tons generated annually. That's roughly the equivalent of throwing away...

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Earthscrapers - China’s subterranean revolution

Think for a moment about a city where skyscrapers no longer exist, but are hidden below ground. This is not science fiction – it's the rise of the earthscraper, China's audacious architectural gamble...

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Has Lead got a future in construction?

Lead, a malleable, heavy metal with a long and complex history, has been a mainstay in construction for centuries. From Roman water pipes to intricate stained glass windows, its properties offered...

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Microgrids - powering people worldwide

There is a growing trend where energy is not just delivered, it's generated and shared within communities, building resilience and independence. This is not a utopian dream - it's called the power of...

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What is the future for the UK’s handmade brick market?

The story of handmade bricks in the UK stretches back centuries, intertwining with the rise of villages and towns. Early kilns, often wood-fired and situated near clay deposits, produced these...

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Pitching for success in the global roofing market

The global pitched roofing market is massive and is projected to reach a staggering US$51.67 billion by 2028, growing at a healthy CAGR of 4.15% (Grand View Research, 2023). This staggering figure is...

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Hotels have sprinklers - right?

The New Year is upon us which means many of us will be starting to plan our 2024 vacation and some of us will be scheduling our work trips. But as you book your accommodation, have you ever spared a...

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Ai’s healing touch in hospital construction

We are in an era marked by remarkable technological advancements, and a majority of our resources, research and discussions are currently aimed at the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI is...

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How the circular economy is redefining construction

The construction industry has notoriously earned a reputation for creating waste – veritable mountains of it, but change is brewing, and it's driven by a powerful concept - the circular economy,...

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