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The growing challenge from rising cement prices
Cement, probably the most fundamental of all building materials has, in common with most construction products and systems, seen significant price increases worldwide in recent years. These increases...
Read moreZombie construction sites and their impact across the world
The German housing market is the latest to be plagued by a disturbing phenomenon - abandoned construction sites, or so called "zombie projects" – and the country is not alone. Such unfinished...
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Wall collapse incidents in construction – could more be done?
The Australian construction industry has witnessed a disturbing trend in recent years - an increase in wall collapse incidents. These accidents have resulted in serious injuries and in some cases,...
Read moreThe growing challenge of substance abuse in construction
The construction industry continues to face the challenge of substance abuse. We have been talking about it since 2016 when the Considerate Constructors Scheme first highlighted the problem in a UK...
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A practical guide to tax and self-assessment for those in construction
If you are self-employed in the UK construction industry, or part of the Construction Industry Scheme (CIS), then getting your head around tax and self-assessment is key to keeping your business on...
Read moreAsteroid mining – what does it hold for the future?
Energy America USA, a leading solar module manufacturer and power plant contractor, has announced plans to establish a power station for extra-terrestrial applications such as mining operations on...
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A call for climate resilience in the construction industry
The Canadian Construction Association (CCA) has recently released a critical report highlighting the urgent need for increased investment and stronger policies to protect its people and their...
Read moreIs this how construction is seen in popular culture?
The construction industry, often overlooked in the realm of popular culture, has played a surprisingly significant role in shaping our collective imagination. From the gritty realism of documentaries...
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Making construction work in extreme environments
No challenge is too much for the world’s construction workers and engineers who continue to push the limits of human ingenuity and technological capabilities. No environment is too hot, too cold or...
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