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Major issues if waterproofing falls short

The devil is in the detail when it comes to roofing, it only takes a minor oversight to cause a major issue writes Ian Weston, General Manager at Aperture. A roof's weathertight protection requires...

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Insulation through Paneling

Insulation is a common element found in many buildings – whether they are residential or commercial. They are versatile in purpose – they can act as a sound barrier between spaces, a method of...

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Minimising noisy acoustics

Noisy air conditioning systems in workplaces can help to contribute to excessive background noise and can have a profound, negative impact on employee productivity, increasing stress and anxiety...

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The issue with building handovers

Moving into a building should be a hitch-free experience but sadly not all building projects are handed over successfully writes Susan Lowrie. It's often a case of simply a handover date rather than...

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Green roofs - turning the impossible into reality

As building owners become more environmentally aware, enquiries to convert existing flat roofsinto green roofs have never been higher. On face value this would seem an easy task but with modern...

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Bringing clarity to acoustic jargon

The world of acoustics can be baffling to the untrained. How many of us know the difference between attenuation or frequency for example? And what exactly is the sound absorption coefficient? Such is...

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Keeping track of your workforce on site?

One of the biggest problems facing contracting companies is the ability to keep in touch with the workforce, particularly when they are scattered over several sites writes John Ridgeway. It is...

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Better quality and faster delivery from architects

Building quicker and with better quality is the much-needed panacea for the UK housing crisis. For these two reasons alone, it's why volumetric modular construction has attracted so much interest...

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It is Time to Recognise the Worth of Specialist Contractors

As specialist contractors carry out the vast majority of construction work in the UK, isn't it about time the construction industry acknowledged their role writes Gerald Kelly. Specialist...

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