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Strategic approach to energy and sustainability
Balancing environmentally sound proposals with commercial viability can present a number of challenges and is further complicated by planning requirements. With many local planning authorities now...
Read moreThe benefits of Passive House outweigh the challenges
Passive House is regarded as one of the best standards to reflect ultra-efficient building performance. Whilst many people talk about the desire to build to Passive House standard the number of...
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National Construction Training Services ready to boost the nation’s skills
A new organisation, the National Construction Training Services (NCTS) has recently launched with the provision of a Centre of Excellence for roofing skills. This unique, nationwide programme will...
Read moreFlushing out school bullies
Recent reports confirm that bullying remains an issue in school washrooms and human nature being what it is; it is unlikely that such facilities will ever be completely safe, writes Sam Saunderson,...
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Office interiors - first impressions count
There is no doubting the fact that first impressions count. Our first impressions are generated by an experience and our surrounding environment. This can all happen in the blink of an eye. Office...
Read moreKeeping construction noise at bay
Noise accounts for most of the complaints that local councils and the Environment Agency receive about environmental pollution and is a major cause of stress. Given that construction sites generate...
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Britain’s builders ready to meet the challenge in the education sector
Recent reports claim that Britain needs to build another 2,000 schools to cope with the pressure on class sizes caused by the immigration crisis. These, it is said, will be needed to teach an...
Read moreLet’s hope the accident rate for falls from height continues its decline
There are over 13,000 injuries a year from fall from heights accidents on construction sites, some 30 of these are fatal, according to the latest statistics available from the Government. It is the...
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Seven years since the discovery of self-healing concrete - what’s the delay?
Self-healing concrete using bacteria to seal cracks has been talked about for more than six years. It's a remarkable innovation which means that concrete could in theory last for ever.
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