Of devils and dragons: the world’s stand-out bridges


Bridges carry you across the water, or across a busy road, but you might not have bothered to pay much attention to what is under your feet. Then again, not all bridges are built equal. Some are built from sketches that were lost for 400 years. Some are said to be built by the Devil himself!

Here, Oasys, structure analysis software providers, take a look at these fascinating structures…

 1.   The Rolling Bridge – UK

Photograph by Loz Pycock

This amazing steel bridge was created by Heatherwick studios to cross an inlet in London. What makes this bridge so unique is that it can tidy itself away! When needed, this bridge curls up into an octogen shape to stand on one side of the canal until a boat passes. The bridge also curls up every day at noon, if you want to see it in action!

 Da Vinci Bridge – Norway

Photograph by Egil Kvaleberg

This next bridge, in Norway, was built from designs intended to be used in Istanbul that were drawn up by Leonardo da Vinci. The original drawing had a single span of 240 metres, but the project did not go ahead as it was believed that such a design was not feasible.

As the first major engineering feat from a da Vinci drawing, the bridge finally came into the world in Norway. The bridge has just three arches to support the structure. Though the Norwegian bridge is a smaller version of the original plans, it shows that the design works — one arch under the bridge, and two arches either side leaning inwards to spread the weight.

 The Devil's Bridge – Germany

Photograph by A. Landgraf

Known as Rakotzbrücke, the bridge's appearance looks like a perfect circle. The bridge is said to have been commissioned by a knight in 1860. But the rocks and stones used for its creation are jagged and spikey, so it was dangerous to cross.

The bridge's design was deemed a masonry challenge, according to Earth Trekkers. The idea was that only Satan himself could help with a difficult build such as these bridges, and the first human who crossed the completed bridge would pay for the Devil's helping hand by giving up his soul.

The bridge is no longer open to be crossed, due to preservation measures. But it is still an oddly beautiful sight to behold!

 Fire-breathing dragon Bridge — Vietnam

Photograph by Ehrin Macksey / Noi Pictures

This next bridge might be the most flamboyant build on our list. Located in Da Nang in Vietnam, the Dragon Bridge is certainly a spectacular sight! The bridge is the result of an international competition by the Da Nang People's Committee in order to improve travel in the city. The bridge has six lanes for vehicles, two lanes for pedestrians, and 2,500 LED lights.

Of course, as a dragon, the bridge can breathe fire! In fact, the bridge can spout water or fire, and this display is often used for special occasions in the city.

 Living Roots Bridges – India

Photograph by Arshiya Urveeja Bose

If ever there were living examples of the payoff of patience, these bridges are just that. These beautifully natural bridges were formed by guiding rubber tree roots with hollow canes so that they would grow outwards and meet from either side of a stream. It would take years to reach the opposite bank, but the hard work paid off as these Living Roots bridges can support the weight of a human. They were originally made by the Khasi tribe, who realised the bamboo bridges they were building would collapse or rot after a monsoon or heavy storm.













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