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Mastic asphalt gets tough on car parks
The humble parking garage has become a crucial part of city planning. From open-sided concrete multi-storey facilities to car parks that are integrated into residential and retail developments, one...
Read moreNoisy HVAC systems need the silent treatment
Noise is all around us and can interfere with our working efficiency by being an annoyance and causing stress. Good or bad, the acoustical environment in buildings is ultimately a result of design...
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Strong, reliable concrete repair
With winter almost upon us, the anticipated damp and sub-zero temperatures will provide a severe test of the quality of the concrete used to build structures old and new. Over time, frost and ice...
Read moreConstruction industry must overcome late payments problem
The UK construction industry as a whole tends to cling on to outmoded and inefficient payment practices even when presented with more effective ways of working – a point that is particularly valid...
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Reducing added formaldehyde in panel products
Formaldehyde is a naturally occurring compound found in all organic substances but its presence in pressed timber products such as MDF has long been a contentious issue within the industry. With the...
Read moreMental illness in the construction industry
Earlier this year, data released by the Office for National Statistics revealed the risk of suicide among low-skilled male laborers, particularly those working in construction, was three times higher...
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Giving guarantees meaning through training and support
How guaranteed are product guarantees? The answer, unfortunately, is not as simple and clear cut as perhaps they should be, with a wide range of caveats and get-out clauses often hidden among pages...
Read moreSweat the small stuff for thermally efficient roofing
Small details pay big dividends in roof specification. As a building's first line of defence and prominent thermal feature, a roof must maintain long-term, maximum performance. Therefore, every...
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Installation as smooth as the finished floor
A Health and Safety Executive study revealed around 1,300 work-related injuries were reported between 2015 and 2016 in the food and drink industries. Of these, it's estimated at least 25% were caused...
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