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Will construction lead the way to a prosperous Brexit?
Most economists look at the construction industry as a real barometer in terms of trying forecast our financial future – all the more so since we voted to leave Europe. Government figures for...
Read moreTheft from construction sites - is the prevent message getting through?
Theft from construction sites has always been a major problem and losses are now estimated to exceed some £900 million pounds every year, a figure that has changed little since the Government last...
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Keeping UK shopping malls high and dry
From Brent Cross in London to Union Square in Aberdeen, Bluewater in Kent to Kirkgate in Bradford, shopping malls across the UK must not only provide an attractive, modern shopping environment with a...
Read morePutting the emphasis on air quality
With people having far less control over indoor air quality in their offices, schools and hospitals, for example, than in their homes, the onus on creating a healthy indoor environment is down to the...
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What happens to EU standards in a post Brexit Britain?
Europe has led the world in improving building standards with the UK having played a key role in their development. But after the momentous day that was June 23rd and the UK economy appearing now to...
Read moreHow to hide manhole covers and drains
Horrible looking drains, manhole covers and inspection chambers appear in driveways and footpaths everywhere. You can even find them in the middle of your lawn or garden!
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Perhaps it’s time we gave plastics a better press
Plastics is rapidly becoming a dirty word for environmentalists across the globe who are now laying the blame squarely on the shoulders of this ubiquitous material for polluting the world's oceans.
Read moreWill health issues dominate the flat roofing market of the future?
Flat roofing repairs, particularly in confined spaces, have long been known to cause discomfort to operatives and those living or working nearby. Fumes, odours and vapours can cause headaches,...
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Proven performance on cathedrals, bridges and more
One of the world's oldest and most traditional waterproofing materials, mastic asphalt is a truly versatile performer, outlasting other materials and proven time and time again on everything from...
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