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The great Lisbon earthquake and seismic design

On a seemingly ordinary day, November 1st, 1755, a tremor unlike any other ripped through Lisbon, Portugal. The Great Lisbon Earthquake, estimated at a staggering 8.5-9.0 on the Richter scale,...

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Sonic construction – the potential to build with sound

The construction industry, for all its advancements in materials and machinery, still relies heavily on physical manipulation. The very act of building involves skilled workers and heavy equipment,...

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How gaming technology is revolutionising construction

The construction industry has traditionally been slow to adopt new technologies compared to other sectors. However, over the past five to six years, a significant shift has occurred with the...

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How healthy is the US construction market?

The recent news of a decline in US construction spending in April 2024 has sent ripples through the industry. While the dip was slight (0.1%), following a similar decline in March, it raises...

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The rise of the construction equipment rental market

At the heart of our construction industry lies a crucial component – the plant and equipment needed to make things happen. But how construction companies acquire this equipment is undergoing a...

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In praise of the tiny details that make buildings special

We often marvel at the grand scale of architecture – the soaring heights of modern buildings, the intricate lines of a Gothic cathedral, the expansive curves of an iconic hall, but let’s ask the...

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How will the upcoming BREEAM V7 Regulations affect the Industry?

With sustainability and reducing the construction industry’s environmental impact gaining increasing significance, the Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Methodology (BREEAM)...

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How flood barriers are holding back the tide

Floods, persistent natural disasters, have plagued humanity for centuries. From the overflowing Nile River in ancient Egypt to the devastating 2021 floods in Europe, their destructive power is...

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Building with bacteria for sustainable construction

A new wave of innovation is poised to reshape construction - living organisms – and they are set to be the building blocks of the future. Bioconstructive materials, a revolutionary approach to...

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