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Lack of appropriate toilets can affect children’s education
From their design to their hygiene, washrooms must be maintained regularly to make sure students feel comfortable using the services. Even a loose or a broken toilet door lock could compromise a...
Read moreThe rise and rise of metal ceilings
There is no denying that the specification of metal ceilings has seen huge growth over the past 30 years. Metal is now the go-to ceiling material, superseding mineral fibre as the mainstay of modern...
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Light and inspiration from above - trends in rooflights
In an ever-changing world of design and our eager desire for the latest products, we often find ourselves reaching for the latest trends and fashions. Believe it or not, this is also very much the...
Read moreThe Contractor’s Dilemma - Sourcing Green Products
Which came first – the chicken or the egg? Who would have thought the age-old question would apply to construction material selection, but it certainly is relevant for contractors working on projects...
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Pigmentation bringing flexibility to concrete’s design and usage
It took about 50 years for television to transform from black and white to glorious technicolour; the availability of pigmentation to give concrete shades other than grey took infinitely longer...
Read moreFive things to look for in a CAD building design company
Choosing the right companies to work with can sometimes seem like a complicated process – CAD Design is no exception writes Krysta Jakson. The big question is - how do you know if you have picked the...
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OSHA’s silica regulations - a major shift in policy
In September 2017, OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) launched new regulations across America to address a worsening crisis in the labour world - silica exposure -constituting the...
Read moreWhy every construction website needs a site map
As a marketing agency we're often asked to create websites for our construction and building based clients. When we sit down with them to discuss the site, one of the first questions we ask the...
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Condensation in homes - at least 2% of properties at risk
Much has been written about damp and condensation in homes which can cause considerable damage and health issues. Industry reports suggest that almost seven million properties could be at risk in the...
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