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Energy efficient architectural design

When you consider the global population is set to increase by another 2 billion by 2050 and with 70% of the world's population living in cities, there will an unprecedented demand for energy across...

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Will robots eventually replace humans on building sites?

Most people in the construction industry are aware of the enormous skills shortage in all of the building trades. Bricklaying is no exception and there are many anecdotal reports of brick layers...

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Raising the standard of roofing - it starts here

The National Federation of Roofing Contractors (NFRC) should be congratulated for their latest initiative to raise the profile of the workforce and improve standards. Chief executive James Talman has...

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Why do we still sacrifice quality for lower prices?

The headline says it all - and it particularly applies to the construction industry; especially when it comes to our small corner of it, the resin bound permeable paving market.

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There is a repair solution for concrete

Wouldn't it be wonderful if everything we hoped to achieve in life went according to plan? If every car we bought lived-up to its showroom tag of being a ‘good, reliable, runner'; if every holiday...

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Climate change and the construction industry - show us the money

In 2013 the Government set out its strategy for the construction industry. Over 70 pages long it looked at all aspects of building and outlined a number of key aspirations. In broad terms the...

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Roofing comes in from the cold

Building owners have become increasingly nervous in recent years about sanctioning the use of any kind of naked flame at roof level, traditionally a long standing method of applying waterproof...

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Will construction lead the way to a prosperous Brexit?

Most economists look at the construction industry as a real barometer in terms of trying forecast our financial future – all the more so since we voted to leave Europe. Government figures for...

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Theft from construction sites - is the prevent message getting through?

Theft from construction sites has always been a major problem and losses are now estimated to exceed some £900 million pounds every year, a figure that has changed little since the Government last...

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