National Construction Training Services ready to boost the nation’s skills


A new organisation, the National Construction Training Services (NCTS) has recently launched with the provision of a Centre of Excellence for roofing skills. This unique, nationwide programme will enable roofing contractors to access specialist roofing lead and hard metals training more locally to them. In time this will be extended to all of the construction trades.

Working closely with roofing federations, local roof training groups and other key industry stakeholders the NCTS claims it will be able to deliver the highest levels of training to anyone looking to develop their skills or indeed start a career in the roofing industry.

This is excellent news and comes at a time when training has a large question mark over it with changes in legislation. With growing emphasis to have professionally assessed NVQ qualified card carrying operatives only on site by 2020, action is needed now to address critical training issues and raise standards across the industry.

The NCTS commitment is to ensure all students can develop the confidence and knowledge they need to solidify their future in the construction industry. Offering a hugely flexible curriculum the NCTS is able to tailor courses to individual roofing contractor's requirements in a location which works for them.

Courses are developed to help every level of skill, from beginner to skilled tradesmen and will seek to provide a positive impact on the growing skills shortage facing the UK's construction sector. By focusing on vocational apprenticeships, upskilling and assessing workers in key areas such as lead, hard metals, copper, zinc, stainless steel and heritage leadwork skills the NCTS is able to ensure a future for the UK's roofing sector. Applying training in innovative and modern techniques means there is an opportunity for workers to have pride and confidence in the jobs they do. This will help with retention and will attract a new generation of roofers.

The NCTS says it is proud to be working towards the goal of ensuring that the sector-wide issue of skills and quality is being answered through their dedication. They recognise that a fully developed training path is essential to fulfilling this goal. With targets for the industry's annual recruitment requirement of 46,000 operatives by 2018 the need for developing these key training programmes is needed more than ever. NCTS differs because of the importance it is placing not just on new workers but also upskilling to reduce the churn rates and keep workers in the sector.

A spokesperson from the NCTS said “The NCTS provides much needed support to the industry and is working closely with federations and employers to support strategic training needs”. The industry is looking for support across a range of priorities that the NCTS is confident it can help to solve.

By reducing the skills shortage, increasing access to training, providing nationwide assessment programs and increasing the number of trainers available across the UK the NCTS can ensure that a career in roofing, and the image of the industry, continues to improve.

The NCTS believe that roofing is a desirable and highly-skilled job which can lead to a real passion for the work if taught and nurtured correctly. The trainers and support offered by the NCTS can help to nurture these passions and ensure the future of roofing is in safe hands.

Sounds good and let's hope that it works – the industry needs it.


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