Magnetic drilling projects - eight key safety rules


The demand for magnetic drilling services is increasing rapidly across the world with each passing day. Magnetic drilling is the process of creating accurate holes on ferrous metals with the use of heavy duty drilling machines and specialized equipment. It's very important that magnetic drilling experts maintain high safety standards while using advanced tools and equipment to stay away from potential injuries and accidents.

Your failure to follow important safety rules while executing magnetic drilling projects to meet your fabrication and construction needs can create a lot of trouble for you, so it's better to stick to them.

Here are some of the safety tips for magnetic drilling professionals to prevent injuries and accidents while using drilling machines.

Refer The User Manual

Before using any drilling machine, it's very important for you to refer the user manual for enhancing your understanding of operational and safety issues. Being a drilling expert you can't afford to use a cutting and drilling equipment without referring user manual, as that invites injuries and accidents. Considering the fact that the user manual consists of all the major and minor details about operating a machine, it's crucial for you to go through it effectively.

Get Proper Training

You should never touch a tool without seeking proper training, otherwise, you will end up injuring yourself. If you start using a new tool without knowing much about it, you won't know what kind of safety measures you should be taking to prevent injuries. So, it's important to get proper training.

Unplug Tools While Making Adjustments

If in case you want to make any adjustments to your drilling machine make sure that you unplug in the first place. In other words, don't ever try to carry out any maintenance and repair jobs without unplugging the machine, otherwise, you may encounter huge problems.

Keep Your Equipment Safely

It is very important for you to keep your equipment safely to avoid accidents. Make sure that you do not expose your power tools to water and rain. You shouldn't be using such tools in wet locations. In addition to that, you should never use these drilling tools in the presence of flammable liquids. Whenever you are not using any tool, then make sure that it is stored in a locked-up place.

Keep Your Work Area Clean & Well Lit

A cluttered job site not only makes it difficult for you to carry out your work effectively but also invites accidents. Therefore, it's mandatory to keep your site well-lit and in proper order. Keep all the walkways and pathways free from material supply and equipment, so that you can walk freely.

Use Protective Gear & Clothing

Whenever you execute a magnetic drilling project, you must wear protective gear and clothing. Don't ever wear loose clothes while using heavy duty tools because they make you extremely unconformable, as they can easily come in contact with the moving parts of the machine, thereby inviting a horrific accident. It means you should always use tight fitted clothes, robust footwear, safety glasses, ear plugs, dust mask, and protective gloves while using heavy duty drilling machines. When you wear right protective gear, you can safeguard your skin and other body parts from getting injured.

Maintain Your Tools Effectively

It's very important that you keep your cutting and drilling tools sharp and clean for effective performance. Examine your tool cords regularly and if you find them damaged make sure that you repair them effectively before using them. While changing accessories make sure that you follow the instructions that are provided in the user manual. In addition to that, it is also crucial for you to keep handles of your equipment free from oil and grease.

Inspect Your Tools before Using Them

You should always carry out a quick inspection of all the important parts of your machines before using them. It helps in enhancing your safety as well as productivity while using a tool.

So, whenever you use power tools make sure that you maintain all the important safety standards to prevent the risk of injuries.

By: Krysta Jackson


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