Could all washrooms be unisex within 10 years


Washrooms have always provoked debate probably because we all have to use them so it is no surprise that more recently the discussion has shifted towards unisex and transgender toilets – and as in the past, everyone has a view says Interfix.

This particular argument is likely to run for some time with many traditionalists vehemently opposed to any form of unisex or transgender washrooms, while modernisers are joining together to welcome the development.

You might think that companies such as Interfix would be caught between a rock and a hard place as the debate heats up – but the reverse is true.

We have adapted to the changing environment and shown that unisex and transgender washrooms can really work when sympathetically planned.

Toilet cubicles have become more private with floor to ceiling cubicle divisions for maximum privacy, washrooms have become more open to minimise opportunities for bullying or other anti-social behaviour.

Traditionalists still argue that many teenage girls would feel intimidated using a unisex washroom and more vulnerable girls could suffer as a result. Boys are not immune either, particularly those approaching puberty – but in reality this does not seem to be the case.

Some also argue that boys are not as hygienic in their toilet habits as girls and this cannot be denied but experience has shown that standards are raised in unisex washrooms.

Schools in particular are also under pressure to provide fluid gender facilities and this is more likely to lead to a unisex solution but it does work and while we still have a long way to go before there is universal acceptance, it's looking more likely that all washrooms could be unisex within the next 10 years.

So watch this space.

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