Building Platform For Future Growth With WebContractor


Keeping on top of the paperwork generated by even the most straightforward project-based contract with a given subcontractor can prove an arduous task, with various documents coming in and going out throughout the works requiring actioning. Managing this process in a timely and efficient manner becomes increasingly difficult as the number of ongoing projects and subcontractor contracts increase, something we have first-hand experience of at Osborne.

We utilised the services of more than 1,200 different subcontractors last year – from major businesses working on our behalf on a number of projects right down to small, niche companies working on one-off projects. 

As you can imagine, processing payment-related paperwork for each of these subcontractors without error or issue is no easy task. That's why we're working with Open ECX to build and implement a bespoke system called WebContractor to increase efficiencies.

At this stage, we're looking to launch a pilot phase on a small number of projects in the very near future. Following successful completion, we plan on implementing WebContractor across the business on all our projects.

For now, all we can say is what we're expecting to achieve. There are three main reasons WebContractor stood out for us; compliance, fairness, and forward planning.


Firstly, we want to make sure we comply with the requirements laid out in the Construction Act. We are looking for a way to ensure we don't miss any timelines for issuing any paperwork for the various types of contracts we enter into, such as payment and payless notices, for example.

Our current processes are insufficient for our future needs and direction of the business. Through the WebContractor system we will significantly improve our Construction Act compliance, with the system providing early warnings and a fixed process to work through for both our and the subcontractors' teams.


We've signed up to the Fair Payment Charter as we believe very strongly in providing payment on time for our subcontractors to help them with their cash flows.

WebContractor will help us achieve this and also provide all of our valued subcontractors with much-needed transparency, letting them know where their application for payment is in the process.

Forward planning

We expect WebContractor will also provide us with additional administrative capabilities as we will have greater visibility of the payment process throughout the project cycle. From a finance point of view, it will allow us to have a better and real-time understanding of our cash flow forecasting, something that is vital in this industry. Moving forward, we would like to expand this solution further to link in with construction industry services and databases such as Builders' Profile and Construction Line, helping us to be more streamlined and joined up in our approach and significantly reduce the need for manual intervention.

We will also benefit from having a single and uniform way of storing all paperwork and supporting documentation and information.

WebContractor has been developed to provide businesses with time and labour savings, helping them to improve efficiencies and compliance with legislation as well as give them the platform to plan their finances more easily and accurately. As a company with construction and infrastructure contracts creating an annual turnover in excess of £350 million, we're very excited about the size and scale these benefits can bring us not only on our pilot projects but long into the future. 

By Mark Mitchell, Operations Finance Director at Osborne

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