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At last - a roofing felt that’s trying to be green
The flat roofing industry along with most areas in construction, has tried very hard in recent years to paint itself as green. It has been an uphill struggle, particularly for those involved in...
Read moreGarden towns - a step in the right direction
Britain might be one of the world's richest countries but housing is in a crisis of under-delivery. In another bid to tackle this shortage, the Government's proposed 14 ‘garden villages' and three...
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Innovation - a shared responsibility
There is no doubting the fact that we are living in a global economy and that we are all going through an intense period of change. For many of us, our focus is on our immediate vicinity and...
Read moreWhy we must protect our school playgrounds
With growing pressure on schools to provide even more classroom places it seems that playing fields and playgrounds are disappearing at a very fast rate particularly in our inner cities.
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Concrete condition check key
In older reinforced concrete structures, particularly those in coastal locations with a prevalence of salty air, or ones exposed long-term to pollutants in towns and cities, some form of corrosion is...
Read moreAircrete - good for thermal design
The demand for Aircrete blocks has been steadily growing over the past few years. This can be thanked by a combination of the change in building regulations (Part L 2013) and a housing crisis that...
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Investing in people as well as products
In an ever-increasingly automated and technological world, it can be too easy to overlook the importance of people and the vital roles they play in securing a business' future success.
Read moreFeRFA Guide makes for excellent floor show
FeRFA, the Resin Flooring Association, represents a wide range of leading manufacturers as well as contractors and other associated companies involved in resin flooring systems. For more than 45...
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Keeping concrete stable - whatever the weather
The mini-heatwave that settled upon many parts of the UK in June provided a welcome reminder that hot, sunny weather wasn't necessarily the preserve of our compatriots across the continent....
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